Lars Karbo

BREAKTHROUGH: My first B2B sale

by Lars Karbo • 7th Jun 2021

I built Personate in one month together with my co-founder Lars. (yes, another Lars).

The price was 4$, and we got three sales (including one refund). Hurray! Eight dollars in the bank.

Eight dollars is enough for two coffees. Not bad for one month of work.

The small sales motivated us to continue working but didn’t exactly pay our salaries.

But then one HUGE thing happened…

My first real sale ever

I joined my first startup more than three years ago. Since then, I have been working on different startups and grinding away at many of my own projects.

I have never made any considerable amount of money. Money that I can use to live. It has all been symbolic sums.

We got a message from a big company in Norway. They wanted to explore the option of using our product to make educational videos.

We just signed an 8K$ contract with them.


That’s real money.

Now it’s back to work and deliver what they paid for within three weeks.